Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Spotted Leopards

Well, Monday evening didn't go as planned at all. We left early afternoon to take a boat excursion down the Delta. We knew it was going to be a great evening when we were stopped from crossing the first bridge by a crocodile that was sunning itself in the middle of the bridge. After we passed, we were within minutes of the boat when our guide got a call on the radio that a leopard was spotted in a tree having a gazelle for a late lunch. Everyone decided that the boat would always be there but how often do we get an apportunity like this? We turn around and drive 40 minutes to the site. Although we are on the edge of the Kahalari Desert, rainy season has just passed so there are plenty of bogs and marshes (plus we are along the delta). Well, a leopard had a gazelle (already dead) up in a tree on an small island in a marshy area. There were several jeeps there already. It was hard to see the leopard (or the gazelle) for the branches, but we caught glimpses and could see the leopard's tail. Our guide moved in a little closer than the others and drove into the marsh. After watching for a while we decided to move on (but our jeep thought otherwise)...we were stuck in the marsh. After several attempts, the drive radioed another jeep and they had to pull us out with the second jeep. So we kind of got that boat ride after all. We continued the game drive. Later as the sun is about to set, we stop for a sundowner (drinks in a scenic area while watching the sun set). Then it was onto the night game drive. We drove just a few yards when our driver stopped the jeep, got out and looked at some tracks. He said it was leopard tracks and they were very fresh, within minutes. (Tom and I roll our eyes, thinking, yeah-yeah, they must teach all the guides to say this to the naive tourists). We drive just a few feet, when we spot another leopard in the branches of a tree. We are able to get very close to this one. We watch for a while until she decides to get down from the tree. Tom and I are in the back of the jeep. When the leople jumps from the branch she crosses right behind the jeep within a few feet of us, we could almost reach out and touch her (unbelievable). She scouts for a while and we follow along in the jeep for 30 minutes or so. Finally, we decided to leave her with her hunting a return to camp. It was a full day.

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